Motorcycle travel data.
Suppose you want to take a bike trip. Say about 3900 miles. Here's what your days look like:
1) You ride 675 miles, stop for gas 6 times. You end up in a yucky motel in Nowhere, Michigan, at midnight. Did I mention your boots and jeans are wet?
2) You ride 590 miles, stop for gas 5 times. You pull into Bethlehem, Pa, at 9:30P.M., the temp is 90, you want to get drunk.
3) You borrow the cousin's car, drive to a beer depot to get some premium brews to take home, buy a larger memory card for your camera, and buy a hose so you can wash the bikes when you get back to the cousin's. Wash bike, drink beer, have pasta dish, drink beer.
4) You ride two-up for 150 miles to a couple of local breweries to get some more premium suds. Miss the tour at the first one, get to the second one to find it's closed on Wednesday. Stop for gas, get sunburned on arms cause you forgot long sleeved shirt, you dufus, you. Go back to cousin's house, order Chinese, drink beer and eat. Drink some beer. Oh, yeah, it was 95° today again.
5) You pack up for the trip to Connecticut, ride 234 miles,stop for gas once. By the time you hit the Ct. state line, the temp has dropped to 65. It starts to drizzle and it's 60° by the time you get to brother's house. Just in time for grilled pork, etc, and beer. You are forced to play electric guitar while drinking beer.
6) This is the day you are dragged along on a ride to Orange County Choppers in New York state. You ride about 250 miles, stop for gas twice, get lost once. You visit the store, drool over the choppers, go to restaurant next door for pizza cause it's the only place in the area that will let you use the toilets. East coast logic. Have a beer with lunch, drive back to Ct. Eat, drink, guitar, you know the program by now.....
7) A trip to the lower Berkshire Mnts. in southern Massatwoshits. Somewhere around 200 miles, one pit stop for gas, one pit stop for food, beer, antique shopping, etc. Ride home through cool hills and valleys. Go to local pizza slingers, eat, drink.
8) You and brother go to driving range(golf type driving). You talk about going to southern coast of Ct., decide the traffic would be too thick. Girls want to go to Indian museum, you drop them off and go to George Washington Tavern with brother. Eat, drink Guiness and shot of Jamison's. Ride home through rustic roads. Back at home you're forced to eat pot roast with potatoes, carrots, etc. Oh, yeah, drink a beer or two.
9) Your hosts go off to work and a golf tournament. You're forced to get up late, drive down to Woodbury to look for antiques. Nothing open, you decide to visit George again. Eat, drink, drive home, one gas stop, 85 miles round trip. They force you to have trout cooked on the grill. Bummer.
10) You have to get to the golf course by 9:00, play 9 holes with your brother. Get back to house and pack for the trip west. Ride 450 miles, stop for gas 4 times, sweat beaucoup amounts. You arrive in beautiful downtown Emlenton, Pa, at 9:00 P.M. You get a motel, eat at the truck stop, fall into bed. Luckily the air conditioner works in the motel.....
11) Today you will travel about 160 miles into Ohio on the interstate, then navigate 130 miles of county roads to reach Continental, Ohio, home of your squeeze's cousins. Two gas stops. You spend a delightful evening catching up on everything, eating some great pizza that was delivered to the door, drinking a couple of beers.
12) This is the day you drive through the 90° heat to reach Muncie, Indiana, cause your cousin lives there. You ride about 150 miles but it takes a long time on the county roads. Two stops for gas. You get to the house at the appointed time, wait in the heat for an hour until your cousin gets there. It's not your fault that you didn't know Indiana follows none of the time conventions that everyone else does.... you're an hour early. Sweat. Shower, go to dinner at Italian place. Drink beers.
13) Today you will ride into hell and back again. It's 95°, 150% humidity, windy, and did I mention hot? You need to ride 498 miles, stop for gas 4 times, cross the Mackinaw bridge. Only then can you rent a room at a fleabag motel in Evenmorenowhere, Michigan. You need to buy a cooler, ice, beer and smoked fish at the gas station so you can stand the motel. Drink some beer and watch either TV channel.
14) The goal is in sight!!! You only need to ride 340 miles, stop for gas 3 times, stop and drool over a yellow and black Valkyrie, stop at the Museum Bar in Phillips for a beer, ride the last two miles home.......
Sooooo, you have ridden 3915 miles, been to the gas station 32 times, bought 96.72 gallons of mid-grade at an average cost of $2.33/gallon. That means $225.76 for gas. Gas mileage averaged out to 40.46 miles/gallon, not bad pulling the trailer, alot of 75mph stuff on interstate. Now you need that new rear skin.
Biking can be tough.
One never knows where a motorcycle will go next. Assuming we do a bike trip west(Montana), north(Lake Superior), east(Connecticut), then "repete, s'il vous plait", we could be heading west next year.
While out east we should have did what Archie done, gone to the Poke your nose for the weekend, but ipso fatso we went to Connecticut.......
My beer a day calendar seems to indicate a proliference of microbreweries in Washington, followed closely by Oregon and California. Hmmm.......
I gotta go, Carlo
Righto....... maybe tonight.
Not yet. Point Special is in there, along with some from New Glarus, Gray's brewing, etc.
this is hilarious! i love it. and i also love the fact that you were completely "en serio" or serious.
It can't be old age, cause I'm feeling it as well......
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