Home again, home again, jiggety jig.......
Finally, the last leg of the bike trip! I bet you thought it would never end, hey? We only traveled about 325 miles this day, so we had time to look at a few things.

You know, like looking back at Peg. I can't resist those mirror shots!!!
We drove past some wonderfully scenic Lake Michigan shoreline. Never tire of seeing that! There's something very captivating about looking out over water and not being able to see the other side. What a landlubber statement that is.

We drove into Escanaba with the idea of visiting "The Swedish Restaurant" (don't know the acutual name) down on the main drag. It's got some really good food, pastries, etc, and is always interesting to visit. It was early afternoon on Saturday and the only cars in town were, you guessed it, by the restaurant!!

So we turned around and headed out of town and saw this place a few blocks away.....
On the outskirts of Escanaba we saw a great looking Honda Valkyrie for sale.
We had to go back
and look it over. The Valkyrie is one kicker of a bike and they are not made anymore. Peg is
captivated by them and I don't blame her. If I

had the coin, I'd have a Valk now...... Oh, well, I can always dream.
So we continued on and eventually came to a place with some choppers sitting outside so we had to stop and look at them.

Now these are some sweet looking bikes! Unfortunately, these are made for junior riders and the true size becomes apparent when an adult sits on one.......

O.K., folks, this style of post is taking WAY too long. The last few pix are going in the old fashioned way, so scroll down to see the last of the trip photos........
I gotta go, Carlo
We stopped at Rosy's long enough to take a picture.
Life is short but my savings are even shorter.
I like not seeing the shore on the other side.......
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