Re-thinking Mountain, Wi.
Perhaps we have had our first and last trip to Mountain..... Ma said she heard on the news that there were several murders there on Sunday night???? It was probably caused by the yahoo that started excavating across the road at 7:00 A.M. on Sunday morning. Or the owner of the incessantly barking bear hounds. Or any number of other obnoxious people tricks that take place in that area
In other news, check out what this guy said.... ""..NASA planned to bring the spacecraft down Tuesday in Florida, California or possibly even New Mexico. "We will attempt to land somewhere," flight director LeRoy Cain said..""

That would make me feel safe if I were in the shuttle..... Am I missing something with this next bit?? The bits of pyro cloth that were sticking out between the heat sheild tiles were pulled out by the spacewalker. Great jubilation ensued. So,,,,, why did they put the junk in there in the first place if they can just yank it out, toss it away into space and not have a worry about it??? Why was it there if you can take it out and smile?
I'm going to throw in a few pix below. This year the yellow transparent tree by the shed started a bumper crop of apples. For a couple of weeks apples have been dropping!! In late July/early August. I'm thinking it's from the lack of moisture. Anyone have any thoughts?
I gotta go, Carlo
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