Guest editorial from Rosie........
Well, I'm sitting where this all began! The land on which sits the Ottertail Lodge......I drove up from Wausau today to hear one of the last performances of the season by the ever

so famous band, Dean and the Honky-tonk Heartbreakers. (In which Dad plays a mean guitar!) The event is going to take place in Ogema where there is a sign stating live music, along with brats and corn for all! How can you beat that? I should also mention that upon arriving at Grandma's, my mouth immediately began watering and lead me to a piece of the best apple pie ever! :-) Anyway, I've assigned myself as the on staff photographer for the gig tonight so be prepared for pics that will someday be famous and you will have seen them first on this blog! There is also a tree that is already turning to it's fall colors up here.... I'm not ready! So, camera in hand, I'm heading to town..signing out~ Rosie
Hey, dare, boxboy..... tanks for pertendin you liked it.
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