Saturday, July 30, 2005

My first day at Pool Week!

Wow, these people really have it together!! Tomorrow I will try to get some interviews with some of the personel here and will do an audio post, so look for that. It should be quite interesting......

I spent about 5 hours in the pool today, water volleyball, diving for treasure, etc,

Poolside recharging of beverages was handled by PoolBoy. Dinner was a lucious beef roast with it's friends, the potatoes, carrots, onions etc. All were in a big cooker near poolside, so the aroma lingered on the air, tantalizing us all. Indoor sports were in abundance after dinner with vigorous games of dominos, smear, and more dominos. It's after midnight thirty now and I need to get some sleep. Breakfast comes out at 10:00 A.M., with Dinah doing the honors with her now famous bisquits and gravy. Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah, someone's in the ........

Onlyhow, that's it for today from Pool Week, an event second in popularity only to Bike Week at Daytona Beach.

I gotta go, Carlo


At 11:49 AM, July 30, 2005, Blogger Red Green said...

I'm not sure. I think it started with Muriel's daughters as a chance to hang out together. Liz C. has spent time around these folks on a regular basis, I believe. Linda and Kevin got a pool 4 or 5 years ago and this has
been an event ever since. I just forced my way in.......


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