They have a committee, you know. Something about beautifying, energizing, etc, or something, the town of Ogema. A while back they built a little building where the depot used to be, and it kind of looks like it could be a depot (but no rails in sight).... with a roof extending out over a slab on the North end. They have flowers planted at the end of the depot and the surrounding area looks quite nice.

It's right on the Pine Line trail, the one made on the old Soo Line right-of-way. So... the committee has been trying to get some events going in town. Cathy and Lyle Blomberg have been instrumental in getting this going and Cathy arranged for us to play there. When we got there we found a big tent set up, brats cooking and corn roasting on a huge charcoal grill, a concession area in the depot with soda, etc, to go with the food.

They figured there was about 150 people there, quite busy for a Thursday night in Ogema! We started at 7:00 and played for about an hour, people seemed to like it O.K. but weren't asking for autographs...... one of the organizers used our mic and told about the event and said we were volumteers and they weren't paying us. He set a basket out in front of us and said people should donate for the band...

Later he worked his way through the crowd and collected money. We ended up with a nice amount. I played like crap but we had a good time anyway. The second set we played seemed more well received by the crowd, and some even cheered at the end of some songs like "Six Days on the Road" and "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain". We played until 9:30 and we went home with a dozen ears of sweet corn to boot.

As you can see, we even have some groupies that follow is everywhere. We have more groupies but Rosie was taking the pix so was not in that photo, and Ivan goes to bed too early to allow such frolic on a Thursday evening...... So we had a good time, people seemed to enjoy it and we finished off the evening with a group photo around the lighted marquee with our name on it!! Who says life is too slow and dull up here in da stiks?
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