I need more sleep.....
Looks like this upload thing is finally working!! So here goes. (I'm supposed to be studying for my pilot written test, but this has to get done, too. I read inbetween photo uploads.....)
First, here are a few pics of the newest family member, Paul and Candice's new babe... and Jen manages to get some exposure as well....

Ground school is done, with the last session being last Thursday. Some of the people have already taken the Sport Pilot knowledge test, I'm scheduled for next Saturday morning. I'm reserving the next few nights for studying and doing practice tests. I went to Merrill last night and worked on getting the plane read for it's airworthyness inspection. I need to get that done soon, because I received my registration card in the mail, and now the plane is technically not able to be flown until the inspection gets done. What next??? So I installed the ELT (emergency locator transmitter) and it's control gizmo got installed in the cockpit area. This device is required by the FAA and supposedly will help search and rescue workers find you if the plane crashes.

Here is the bracket that came with the ELT and the wood adaptor I made to fit the curve of the frame tube.
Anyway, in a crash, the jolt of hitting terra firma will cause the ELT to start sending distress signals on an emergency frequency. You have to mount this thing so the mounting will withstand the shock of crashing. So this ELT is supposed to survive an airplane crash, yet on the box it was shipped

Steve showed up at the hangar and helped me get the plane onto three precision scales, one under each wheel. Then we leveled the plane to flight attitude, drained the gas, and recorded the weight figures shown on the scales. These numbers will be used to calculate the weight and balance specifications. Thes calcs are necessary for, you guessed it, the airworthiness inspection. Then I put all the placards on the plane (labels for what things are and how they work), and installed the fire-proof identification plate on the main frame. Now I'm pretty much ready for the inspection except for paper work. Oh, yeah, and some new tires. Eh???
I gotta go, Carlo
Thanks for your support, Peg, at least someone is reading this crap I write......
Yep Carlo, crap is right! Tee hee. Just baby goating you dude! Also just a note about you burning the candle at both ends, this will work best while in a prone position...So take advantage of that position, O.K.!?!
Yah, yah, Carlo, you better do something about them there slackers what caint seem to sign their comments. At the Possum Lodge, all comments jist go in the guest book by pencil.....
Yer bud, Red
The ELT thing is cool. I have read many sailing stories and that device comes in handy. Of course, the sail boats have not crashed, so to speak, but have become unsailable and that little device has saved many lives. Now...when it comes to planes crashing...I think it may only help us to locate the jetsom! yikes.
I love the kite and tree photos. very nice. The first kite photo fooled me...did you mean that? I thought it was a butterfly on a branch of a tree. cool.
we had lunch at the local airport last tuesday and i keep encouraging John to renew his license...one of these days. Great place for flying out here...would be fun to get higher and get an aerial view. Have to be content to use Google earth.
Bush at 32%! What will it take to get rid of this guy???? minus 20?
love the blog so keep posting. Yram
baby goat?????? Yram
did you take your test yet or is it the coming saturday?
Check post above a ways for 'baby goat' reference......
Yes, of course the photo of the kite was set-up to look real. I'm something, eh? Actually, it was coincidental.
The ELT thing which is supposed to survive a crash and then send out radio signals, was delivered in a box that said "Delicate instruments, do not drop!!!"
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