Greetings, earthlings.
Last weekend was way cold, this weekend is shaping up the same way. Looks like we are having January in February this year. March is only a few days away, perhaps we'll start having more warm than cold days. I mean above freezing when I say warm... for you California eggheads, picture your bad days (like when you have frost on the golf course in the morning).

Those would be our wonderful winter days. And we don't have wonderful winter days. Just winter days, and in winter, some folks do
this. The birkie was today so I imagine that the Hayward area is in a frenzy.

Rosie's birthday was last Thursday, Bryn's is coming up in a couple of weeks. Guess that means another running of the Spaghetti Extravaganza, otherwise known as 'the kids birthday party'. Here is a pic from several years ago.

The next two are maybe 2 and 3 years ago, I don't remember which.

I think this one is from last year. At least that's the folder it was in...... I will have to have one photo from each year with someone standing next to the calendar to document the year!! I should have thought of that long ago.

Now this is the one that I like the best. "Oh, it's soooo good....." Just like Mr. Food on channel 12. That's what I'm talking about.

You may ask, "what is she doing?". The answer is 'who knows....'.
I know these pix of the turkeys are not too good, but as nervous as they are I'm lucky to get any photos, let alone with good angle and lighting. Oh, well.

Went flying last Wednesday for another two hour session. We started out with touch and go's at Merrill, went a ways out to do some turns and such. Then we headed North to Tomahawk airport where we did a few landings. Headed back to Merrill for some more landings. Starting to get the hang of this new plane...

Tomorrow, Sunday, we are going to do a cross country flight. Starting at Merrill we will head for Taylor Cnty Airport at Medford. We'll do a landing there and then head to Central Wisconsin Airport at Mosinee. We'll have to deal with the control tower there and do what they say.... I'm kind of nervous about that. We'll land there and then take off for Wausau Downtown Airport. We'll land there and possibly take on some fuel. Last leg will take us back to Merrill. I have planned out each leg with mileage, landmarks for navigating purposes and airport info such as radio frequencies, elevation, runway headings and lengths, etc. Tomorrow before departing, the wind direction and speed will be noted and used to determine ground speed, wind correction angle for heading, and noting when each landmark should be passed. I'm guessing that not many people do this anymore, what with GPS devices that can be used by us 'non-instrument' folks. I do have a simple GPS and I have all the co-ordinates of local airports loaded into memory. I'm thinking that I'll be using that the most in the future, but the other method of course planning and plotting is necessary to know. I mean, what if your GPS quits???
Anyway, I'm looking forward to this trip and it means another big step toward the goal of my Sport Pilot certificate. Yee haaaa!!!!!
I gotta go, Carlo
Ya, Carlo, who'da thunk you would keep this goin this long? we had a blog at possum lodge but it was two much truble.
Yer bud, Red
Oh, yeah, what ever happened to that box-boy? He don't write no more....
well, gosh, um thanks for the flaaaattering pictures:) I'm lookin' forward to spaghetti, and ogema!!! It's been awhile!
love, ~B
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