Greetings. For this post we will have to revisit a couple of items. First, we all remember the trip to Mountain earlier this year???

We did a little motorcycle cruise and pulled our camper to the FSMism northern epicenter. We set up camp in Liz and Dennis' yard, and of all

strange things, we received a visit from the elusive Yram!!! Here she can be seen leering at us from our camper...... The site is a natural for FSMism, as there is already a pirate flag flying in the yard.

Here it is, and Carlo is brandishing the sword icon that resides at the site. Now we all know that pirates have their rum and grog, and FSM devotees have their wine (sulfite free, of course). The common problem with all these corked items is that upon re-corking the partial bottles for later, the bottle should be inverted so that the cork does not dry and deteriorate, thusly degrading the valuable liquids. So to that end, Carlo has done some investigating and after spending several days perusing estabalishments like the one below (remember this?),

the following items have been located.

Here we see a nice likeness of a swabbie ready to receive the important task of keeping a cork wet.....

And here we see him fulfilling his duties......

And here we see that the boss is also likely to try his hand at this worthy work.

And here we see that even captains can do this work, and do it well.....
Yes, folks, these precocious pirates prevent premature palate problems. Plus, they are pretty cute.
Now we must change direction a little and I'll tell you of the "Great Fish, Venison, Mystery Food Item, and Lucy's
Christmas Presents Caper". Some of you may know about the begging that Yram did to coerce me into sending fish to her. I painstakingly wrapped and packed walleye fillets, venison tenderloin and one other mystery item in a cooler to send West. I froze water in several plastic milk jugs and loaded the cooler just before Margaret headed south before Christmas. She has been dragging that cooler around with her for a little over two weeks now, I hope things are still O.K. in there. I'll let Yram reveal the mystery item.....

Here is what the whole thing looked like, ready for pickup at the Ottertail.

Here you see the contents, ice jugs and all. I told Mag that the two boxes on the cooler were Lucy's Christmas presents and would she give them to Ma when they get to California????
Any news from out there folks?
Please, let us know what Ma got!!

Here we see Liz in an official pirate salute, clutching her new cork saver. I will forward photos of Liz' new pirate boots, if she ever sends the pix.
Well that's about it, I didn't fly this week because of the extremely humid and cold weather. Not good conditions for carburetors and planes in general. Hoping to get out one day this coming week. Maybe the sun will acutally show through the clouds one day soon. I think we're going on 15 days in the cloudy dark. At east it's not really cold and the heating oil is holding out fairly well.
Aye, maties, have yerselves a bloody good year!!! Aaarrghhh!!!!!
Old picture. I was lazy and didn't put up any tree. Sounds like John and Mary ate the venison. Too bad the pie didn't hold up!!
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