Christmas 2
Greetings. I've been slow to post lately. I've had a busy month so far, with and average of 53 hours a week at work, trying to leave work early a few times to get in a flying session, etc. Also had a few social outings with friends in the area.
With various Christmas get-togethers in the works every year, it gets tricky to plan a immediate family celebrating when everyone can get there. This year we did it on January 14th at Peg's house. Here is great grandma Gabrielsen with the youngest of the family.
And, of course, here is Grandma Straight with the little nipper. Peg is seriously enjoying the young 'un! She also prepared a super day for us all. With good food, good company and a Christmas tree, we couldn't go wrong....
Here we have mom and dad and Hailee busy with opening a few gifts. The baby spent the day sleeping in various peoples arms, grinning, crying and sleeping. I think the day was enjoyed by her, too.
Rosie somehow managed to get a Saturday off work. She scored a really super gift for her dad.... a membership in the "Mug Club" at Hereford and Hops, where she works. They brew their own excellent beer there and I now have mug #80 reserved for me there. Yummm.....
Ashlee seems to be enjoying a break from "mom" duties, as you can see that Grandma has the babe again.
Bryn seems satisfied with her play in the games. She always does well at those things, but her gift to her dad was the best... see below.
It was apparent that Id and Hailee made a serious friendship that day. Somewhere in my computer is a video someone did with my camera that day featuring these two. I'll have to see if I can get it on here sometime.
Carlo got a couple of ducks!! They are made of cattail reeds bundled up and then shaped with a wood head attached. They are super cool looking.
Bryn saved the day by giving Carlo "four" bottles of Samuels Smith's famous Oatmeal Stout. This stuff is made in England and is one of the best brews that I know of.
Here are a few pics from an early morning session viewing major hoarfrost on the trees around the lodge. They looked better in person, so use your imagination.
I'll try this again in a few days and report on a couple of events from this weekend that took place in Wausau.
Look at this news article. Quite amazing!
So until next time, good night, sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite.....
St. Vincent de Paul, I suppose. If you click on the picture it will enlarge so you can see it better. They are really neat looking things the way you can see the ends of the carved reeds.
I think I'll let NY keep the bugs! Wow. Well, I'll talk to you later this week!
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