Things just get stranger as we go..... Today I got to Merrill at 4:45, did my preflight inspection, filled the fuel tank and was just hooking up the radio as Steve pulled up to the hangar. I joked about the flat tire we had Sunday and pointed out that it was holding air now. The plan for tonight was to get my Ultralight pilot flight test done, then I would finish the evening on my own cruising about. I had forgotten about the ultalight stuff. When I started this training, it was with ultralights in mind and Steve was not a CFI for Sport Pilot anyway. Well he is now, and I need to complete the Ultralight test stuff so the hours of dual instruction we logged can be used to fulfill the sport pilot requirements.
Fuel pump below.

So we got buckled in, started up the Flightstar and headed for the taxiway. We hadn't gone far and we could smell gas..... crap, the fuel pump that had quit leaking had started to leak again! #$%%$&*! What next? We headed back to the hangar and stood there looking at the general vicinity of the fuel pump that you cannot see without getting into a full lotus position balanced on your left shoulder in the passenger seat. Or doing a handstand on a chair..... I was thinking "I just need to get a new fuel pump and be done with it." and Steve said, "Personally, I think you should get a new fuel pump." So we tore it out and pondered about who might stock this kind of thing. We hauled out a parts catalog for planes and found the item. $40. Surprised it wasn't about a hunnert. So I'm discouraged again when Steve says maybe I should take the flight test in his Quicksilver (pictured above). I said O.K. and I did the inspection while Steve poured some liquid gold into the fuel tank. We headed out and it felt strange to be in that plane again. I wondered if I would be able to land O.K., do the minimum controllable airspeed and the simulated engine failure landing???? Well, it went great and it was a beautiful evening with an excellent sunset. Made my day. So now I have everything I need to send in for my USUA official pilot certificate and de-coder ring. It'll only be an additional $25 . No comment.
I got home here and immediatly did some online research on this pump thingie. One of the guys in the nearby hangars had a new fuel pump of this type but it is a 6 PSI max. pump and the one in the plane was a 2.5-4.5 PSI pump. So I don't know if this higher pressure one will be O.K. Will need to call Flightstar tomorrow and find out. Blah, blah blah, yadda zip dah.......
Now I'm having a beer and typing. We could call this a blahg, if'n yanow wad eye mene.
I gotta go, Carlo
Man, what a phenomenal response to the Anniversary post!!! Who would have thought. If you run out of space for comments, just email me.....
Yeah, the flight in the Quicksilver quickly diminished the bad vibes from the fuel pump episode. If you know of anyone with such a plane, get a ride in it. It's worth the effort....
Well, well, Hippo. I see that you have box boy (or is it bok choi?) posting under your name. I wonder what gives with that????
I gotta go, Carlo
so... when did the flying spagetti monster link go away?
just curious...
whoops... I mean spaghetti..
(thanks for waiting to let me correct the spelling).
During a recent housecleaning. Do people really look at those links and junk?????
I gotta go, Carlo
ok now.... which anonymous responded?.... I know which one it wasn't. :)
OH... I think I know who it might have been.. heck, just look at the time... OK,I'll get in and try to get something done now.
hope it's a great Monday for all.
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