Just a Sunday night whim.

Here is a pic of Yram's place. Seems like they always end up in an interesting location. This house is right on lake Michigan (Green Bay, I guess) and I need to get over there soon to see it!!

The next two pics are of the same place, I guess, only different times of day. They are from Yram and I assume they are taken by their new house.

Pretty cool......

So guess who finally showed up for a ride in the airplane????? I thought it would never happen. We didn't have much time, but got up for just under an hour on Sunday afternoon two weeks ago.

Just a couple of pics from around the place. This is the white pine by the chicken coop. I remember it being just about as tall as me when I was 12 or so....

This must be where the sun goes to sleep. I never knew it spent the night in a pine tree by Ottertail Spring, but it must be so.

Cool looking sky one morning as we were leaving for work. Reminded me of the hunging season pics that were on here last year. Speaking of hunting, I mangaged to get out for a while Saturday afternoon. Saw no deer. I was going to head out to Ivan's hunting camp for a while on Saturday evening, but was a little under the weather Saturday late and Sunday. Never got out in the woods at all on Sunday, but am feeling quite a bit better tonight. Must have been one of those 24 hour bugs, eh??
I gotta go, Carlo
Hi Carlo, Wow, dem dar R sum nice photos. Thanks for letting us look at them. I'm also glad you're feeling better. I'm sure Ivan would have loved to see you this weekend too. I think his sides are a little soar thoough. The clowns he hunts with were and are HillLarryAss!!! :-) I hope ass is o.k. to say in this blog cuz thats what sum people yoozta ride sumtimes. Have a HAPPY day!!
Nice to look at the Blog again. The pictures fill one with nostalgia. Good job, Gene and Mary.
so now I want to hear all about the " snow shoe grass tramping". Is that part of a "returning to Wisconsin ritual "or something...
Beautiful pictures of your new place Mary. I can hardly wait to see it with my own eyes.
Food was great on Friday. I sure did get hitched to a great cook. life is good.
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