Bayfield II
As always, double clicking a picture will get you a larger view.....

Continuing with the Bayfield trip story, we pick up with Sunday morning. We awoke quite early and we got to Bayfield about 1/2 hour before our reservation at The Old Rittenhouse. So we parked near the marina and had a look around. There's a nice little gazebo near the harbor and we sat there for a while.

Here's a view of the boats to the south of us. There were still quite a few boats in the water, but there was a boat lift near the south pier that looked like it had been busy lifting some craft out of the lake.

This view is straight out of the harbor by the central pier. It was quite overcast and the rising sun looked like a sunset in the east, only a silvery color instead of the reds and yellows of a normal sunset. It was quite nice.

Soon it was time to get to breakfast, and I caught Lucy and Peg goofing off on the front lawn of the Rittenhouse!! It is a huge old house perched on a very steep hillside overlooking Bayfield and Madeline Island.

Here is proof that I actually did this! We were unsure about setting off flashes in the place, it looks so serious and elegant in there. But we tried it anyway and nothing happened to us.....

Not a very good picture but it shows what the dining areas are like. They occupy three rooms and they were mostly full when we got there. The waiter was very into his job, and they had about 5 different entrees and choices of side dishes, etc. And this was just breakfast!

Some people at the next table were taking some pictures of their group, so Peg offered to take a picture for them of the whole group. A while later Peg asked them to do one of us, so we managed to get a pic of us all.

As it was late Sunday morning, most guests at the Inn were already checked out. The waiter said we should take a tour of the upper floors to see what it was like. We headed upstairs and this is the second floor landing. Lots of wood and old furniture throughout the place.

This room has a nice whirlpool tub near a window looking out on some pretty spectacular scenery. Most rooms had a spacious main area with a tub or whirlpool bath in it.

This is one of two HUGE suites on the third floor. Really beautiful with wood paneling, angles and nooks and crannies. A fireplace and a large whirlpool. I think they get more than a sandwich for this room's rent.

After the Rittenhouse, we stopped at Eckel's pottery shop just south of Bayfield. This would be of the same family as Steve Ekles who is married to Barb Rhody, and Jeff Eckels who played bass for years on "What do ya know?". Interesting stop.

We headed south and stopped in at the Great Lakes Visitor Center just off highway 2 near where highway 13 heads north. It's a really interesting place with all kinds of info about the lake, past and present, maps, displays, and of course a gift shop.There was an upper level observation deck, which is where these pictures were taken. After this stop we headed south, took a right turn on 77 and went to Clam Lake. Decided to keep on going to Hayward where we toured main street and had lunch at an open air cafe on the street. We could hear people in the bar next door. They were yelling and screaming while watching the Packers..... good grief.

We drove home on highway 70 and took a shortcut on F down to Lugerville. We were going to show Lucy the sign by the turn-off to Camp Flambeau, the wedding site. We found that some mental midget had pulled most of the sign nearly over! What morons live in this world.

I took some detailed photos of the damage, the tire spinning marks, etc. Note the imprint of the logging chain. Turns out the Scoutmaster had been informed of the sign a few days before. He was hoping the cops found out who it was so they could have the sign fixed by the offending genius while 30 or so scouts and parents stood by to watch. That would be fun to do!!
Anyway, that's what we did last weekend.
I nearly forgot!! Would someone please carve the melon???

Rooms are cool, prices are high. Start two browser windows and paste in the following links. Then you can view a rotating image of the room (very nicely done) and then check the prices in the other window with an 'alt-tab'. Check suite #10..... you may recognize some of the rooms from the pix I posted. Have fun!!
I gotta go, Carlo
P.S. I hope Ivan gets back from Idaho soon.... elk hunting again.
I've had a great day so far!! I cleaned the lodge, with the help of Bryn and Peg. We got some nice colored leaves and put them up around all the junk that's already on the walls. Bryn took some pix of that.
Now we're all in the house getting ready for creamed salmon on toast. I think I saw an apple pie on the counter.....
After getting into the house I took off my outside shoes and put on my running shoes (that had been out on the porch all day). A few minutes later it started feeling like someon had stuck a hot ice pick into my toe. I took off my shoe to find a lovely wasp! If that's the worst thing to happen on this gorgeous fall day, then I'm not complaining at all.
I gotta go, Carlo
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