Off to Bayfield

Last Saturday Lucy, Peg and I headed off for destinations North. We had a motel in Washburn and had made reservations at Old Rittenhouse Inn for breakfast on Sunday morning.
When we got nearly to Ashland we decided to visit Duluth first. So we headed up there and started looking for Skyline Drive. I swear, it's one of the most poorly marked roads in the U S of A!! We did find Hawk Ridge, where these bird watchers were checking the annual migration of

hawks. It seems as though the West winds bring them to the edge of Lake Superior and then they follow the shore South. These folks have a wonderful view of the entire area and it seemed to be a big deal up there. Someone was even selling brats......
Above you see Lucy and Peg when we got to the port area of Duluth. We all wanted to see the lift bridge and the museum next to the canal.

In the museum is this tugboat engine, steam operated and quite large!! I should have had someone stand next to it as a comparison. This thing had a boiler which generated steam which pushed the pistons down, similar to gasoline engine in shape and action.

This is looking down to the floor level below where the bottom of the engine sits. REALLY big connecting rods attached to a huge crankshaft. You need to see this in person.

Here is the East end of the lift bridge. It's a huge structure with the biggest lumps of concrete I have ever seen that act as counter-weights for the bridge. We watched it go up and saw one grain boat go through, as well as a number of smaller craft.

I know that Lucy and Peg timed how long it was up, and then counted how many cars went over the bridge after it went back down. I don't remember the numbers, but if I would have been one of the drivers waiting..... well, we won't go there.

This is the area just outside the museum, where lots of people sit and watch the bridge, boats, seagulls and eat icecream cones from Grandma's down the street. Come to think of it, we did all of the above.

Here we are heading back up the bridge to head into Wisconsin and go back to our motel in Washburn. We then drove up to Bayfield where we looked around a little and then had supper at a restaruant just south of Bayfield. We hit the IGA in Washburn for a few necessaries, then went back to the motel to sleep.
More soon..............
___I nearly forgot!! Would someone please carve the melon???___

We did have a wonderful time. The weather was just right altho cloudy some of the time. It is always great to go up by Lake Superior. Good pictures, Gene.
Yes, we got you some really nice ice cream cones, but they started to melt (go figure) so we ate them.
I gotta go, Carlo
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