Logging soon?

Following some confusion about where the cutting is going to take place, I took a couple of pix of the area. This is looking from the backyard to the north, and most of the trees you see in the distance will be gone, leaving nothing but Johnson's fields to the north. Should make a great approach from the North, or departure to the North, and a good approach from the South. Will reserve my opinion of a Southern departure for a while yet....

Here's a view from the mailbox looking Northeast. All of these trees will be gone. If you look closely, you can see Chuck Hueckman's skidder sitting in front of the island ready for the logging operation which will begin early this next week??? Is that right Ivan? Or have you quit reading this blog, besides not commenting.......

Here is a view from the central area of the north end of the field looking south. That single little tree in the very center was left on-a-conna the wasp nest located in the lower branches! A little later I got one sting as I started to cut another small tree. I left that tree standing as well.

I nearly forgot!! Would someone please carve the melon???

Yes, a melon can be an island if it is sitting in a sea of other food dishes.....
Yes, you may have a chunk of wood. In fact, you may have as much as you want. Maybe you can come up and get a pickup load to have some commemorative camp fires in the future???
Try again on the "plane name". Even though you can run the contest on naming it, I will reserve the right to final selection.....
I gotta go, Carlo
Prevailing winds.... in summer it would be west or southwest. Not the best for this runway, which will run about 340/160°. In fall, winter and spring (all the cold weather, which is most of the year here)the winds are mostly north or north/northwest, which will be great for this grass strip. I wish I had some photos of how the island looked in the 'olden days'. Perhaps I can locate something and scan it in....
Russ Mattson has been asking for a plane ride, so I think I'll take him one evening this week.
Hmmm..... looks like Tim may be active again????
what is wrong with these people and their crazy dancing fruit? Onlyhow, (ha ha ha)very nice tree-age, except for the waspage.
Yes, Donna seemed to enjoy the flight very much. We toured the Phillips and Lugerville area and identified as many landmarks as possible.
Yup, we started the loggin' last night! I got home from a work a little early and cut and limbed 12 trees in another area, then Ivan & Chuck showed up and we cut, skidded and sawed to length for 2.75 hrs. I'm a hurting unit again today.......
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