Bye, bye!!!
Now this really is the final post before I take off for AirVenture in Oshkosh. By the way, if someone REALLY needs to get in touch with me 7/24-7/30, you can try this number. It's a friend's cell phone, so don't just call to say "hi"..... Steve Krueger (sounds like Kreeger) 715-573-9873
Just read some news stories and couldn't figure this one out. Maybe it has to do with the time zone dispute in Indiana???
Now how about this dude, Floyd Landis? Here's a guy with a seriously degenerating hip joint and he wins it.
And Wood you look at this.....
While reading a more serious news story, I thought, "is there a pattern developing here?" First, Afganistan kind of goes away with the start of the Iraq fiasco, and now Iraq is starting to fade from the forefront with the start of this mess. But I'm sure that things will come out great once Kindasleazy, Lice gets there. She has already declared that "we" will not push for a cease-fire that we know will not solve long term problems. I agree, it's much better to just let everyone keep shooting until someone thinks of a permanent solution. Duh is all I can reply to that.
For more in-depth news, you're on your own. And now I will proceed to ignore all world and local problems and predicaments and head off to a week of looking at airplanes. What? Me worry?

Yram, as you can see, I do about four (4) posts per week, so get going and do your stuff!
I gotta go(to Oshkosh), Carlo
post yram
post yram
post yram!!!!
fingers sweating is better than thighs~@@@!!!!@@@!!!@@@!!
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