Countdown to test time.....
Well, it looks like I'm going to have to take time out of my studies to fill the void on this blog...... Oh, well.
Project update:
Three full days remain until the day of the test, Black Tuesday. But first, a recap of recent days. I have been hitting the books quite alot lately. So much material to be covered, lots to remember. I keep reminding myself that at least it's for the goal of safe flying for everyone. I tried to get together with Steve last weekend, but he was gone for most of it. Monday night he had other students, Tuesday the weather was crappy, Wednesday he other appointments (plus it was too windy onlyhow). Thursday was looking like the only remaining day as Steve headed out of town again today, for the weekend. By some stroke of luck the weather was good Thursday. Just for good measure, I managed to get two hours of flying done before I went to work that morning. There were a bunch of those puff ball cumulous clouds at about 4000', lots of sun and 10MPH winds. So I left Phillips at 2:35 and bounced my way to Merrill. I made good time with that tailwind, but it surely was BUMPY!!!! When I got to the hangar, there was a crew of three from EAA taking pictures of Steve's planes, and a little Rans floatplane. They were doing an article about light sport aircraft and how the owners do their own maintainence. So I got in a few pictures myself, pretending to change an air cleaner, checking tire pressures, checking engine oil level, and lubricating the hinge bolts on the ailerons. Then Steve and his wife cooked burgers on the grill for everyone. So our 5:30 appointment was moved out to 6:00. I'm begining to think I'll never get to do this instruction...... We finally went up and Steve went through all the tasks I'll have to do. He acted like and FAA examiner and I did what I was told to do. Steve kept saying the he didn't think I would have any problems with the test. I was beginning to believe him... We got done at 7:35, I gassed the plane, he filled in the log book, and I headed out at 7:50 to fly to Phillips. In the interest of getting home by sunset, I climbed to 4500' and took a little more direct route, cruising at 65-70mph. I had a really wonderful view of the sky that evening, and the sun was just hitting the horizon as I was starting to get close to Phillips. Just as I was crossing the runway on my midfield crosswing leg, the sun slowly sank out of sight at the edge of the earth...
So I finished my downwind and crosswind legs of the pattern and turned final for runway 01. I had keyed my mic 7 times to get the runway lights up to full intensity and it was a pretty sight. A smooth landing and in 10 more minutes the plane was safe in the hangar. Five hours of flying time on Thursday, and I was feeling better about things. Tonight I flew from 7:00 to 9:00 in the evening. I went though all the required tasks and by the time I landed, I was thinking that unless something unusual happens, I'm going to make it through this test and come out of it with a Sport Pilot Certificate!!!!! I hope. Tomorrow is oil change time in the plane, lawn mowing, studying, maybe flying some, too. I need to go to work Saturday morning to make up the time I missed on Thursday (leaving early for Merrill).
I wish it was Tuesday tomorrow.
I gotta go, Carlo
Gene, you said you left Merrill at 7:50, but did not say what time you arrived in Phillips. Would like to know just how long it takes when you take a direct route and travel a little fast. I am sure you will do a fine job.
About 8:55, not counting the time to go around the pattern, land and get to the hangar. Normally it would have been about 1 hour 15 minutes, so I cut about 10 min. off and got there just at sunset, the end of my flying time as long as I don't have navigation lights. When I get those, I can fly to the end of civil twilight, which extends the day an average of about 35 minutes. Go figure.
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