They continue to roll in.........
{{Carlo sez: I took the liberty of adding some pix that I have of Hippo's pumphouse. I hope Bok Choi doesn't get mad....}}
{{Carlo sez: Send me something all you readers!!}}
Ivan’s blog log: Star Date: 06022006
To Carlo and all who have made this blog necessary:
Thanks for the stories, photos, memories, and fun!
While I reflect back on the beginning, middle and the now of the blog, I realize that I am the second most intellectual person on this blog site! And second place isn’t too bad when the only area I placed first in was the ignorant category of life!
Onlyhow, it’s been fun reading yooz gyzes stuff, and looking at all the photos. Thanks for letting me be a small part of it.
After reading Tim’s blog log and crying for about 2 hours, 4 minutes and 8.32 seconds, I realized how neat/cool our memories can be. Thanks, Tim!
Now look up dudes! Yep that’s right! It’s the now and future, Doh!! So go have some fun with it and build those memories. It may be all we got.
Thanks again for everything people, and have a great(opps, I mean) gay life.
Your socially disappointing friend, Ivan
P.S. Oh by the way, you are all tied for first on the intellectual thing I was talking about earlier. So I guess I’m last again… or second.
P.S.S. Hey Tim, you may also owe me 2 hours, 4 minutes and 8.32 seconds of laughter now. (I am ticklish)
Hav Happie Dae!!
To infinity and beyond!!!

Hi Ivan, I've always enjoyed reading your comments on this blog and always hear good and funny things about you from carlo.
So keep those posts comming.
I did'nt mean to make everyone emotional but if it made you all think of the great days of growing up in northern wisconsin and thinking of how all our parents made us who we are, then it was worth the time I owe you.
Thanks a bundle, dude!! You know, you are probably the most prolific comment writer on the Ottertail???? Or maybe second??? Whatever! Now you got Tim going. He's started a blog of his own. Check it in the sidebar links.
To infinity.... and even farther than that.
I gotta go, Carlo
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