Rain day.....
Regarding the post with the kite stuff in it, you might want to check this site, and look here for sure!!

Anyway.... Next, the content: one day while I was working in the Lodge, I noticed that the West main-room window was broken on the outside. Big hole broken in outer layer of the thermopane! My first thought was that a bird had hit the window, but it would have to have been a crow, or something!! I went outside to investigate and found a few clues..... note the chipped jamb on the left side. Note the dent on the right jamb. And, of course, check out the lead bullet remains on the outer sill!!!

Anyway, my flawless logic told me that a bullet (.22 cal.) had struck the building. The striking bullet imparted enough energy to break the glass, yet ricochetted off the glass and ended up outside the window. The only gunfire from that direction would be from the porch of the house toward the trees growing along the lilac row. Not sure who, but someone had been waging undeclared war with red squirrels in those trees.

Anyway, the bullet that hit the lodge must have struck a branch, or tree trunk, which altered it's course by about 40°!!! So here is a little lesson in bullets and such, boys and girls. Things don't always behave as we wish them to. So not only should you be aware of what lies beyond your target, be aware of the entire surrounding area!

Airplane update:
The patch cord for connecting radio to intercom system has arrived.
Power cord for connecting radio directly to plane power has arrived.
The new fuel pump awaits at the hangar, and I have some clamps and pipe fitting compound at the ready.
Carl reports that he has located the log books for the plane. The previous owner still has them, he is sending to Carl and Carl will forward to me. These log books are necessary for the airworthiness inspection.
All paperwork for the airworthiness inspection is completed and sent for processing (that is if Steve has received his reg. cert).
Once that inspection is completed, I will be looking to relocate the plane to Phillips ASAP. That way, I can go early mornings and fly for an hour or so before work, or any evening after work can be used for flying if weather co-operates. I told Steve not to be offended, but I was looking forward in a big way to getting out of Merrill. I just can't stand the drive over and back, and I would rather put that extra gas in the plane.....
Please submit your material for the anniversary edition of the blog. I will need a little time to put it together, you know, and the date for that edition is May 30, 2006!!!
Try it again, I had some trouble with an html tag that I goofed up. It's fixed now, so if you try it and it still doesn't work, give Bill and eviction notice....
Any word process application that I can copy and paste, photos send as is or, in your case Yram, like the ones you sent of birds. Just the right size.
Thanks, Eli
I visited your blog and will check back to see what shows up on there!
Yram, you must remember that squirrel hunting is genetic..... only the fire arm preference may change....
I gotta go, Carlo
From the "OLD SQUIRREL HUNTER" - Stating the caliber of the bullet (correct word usage?) seems like Gene has incriminated himself. This hunter uses "only" the trusted 410.
lol...sure I'll put a story with them. I put them there instead of emailing them to our bishop...that's why there're wordless.
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