Just kidding!!!! I'm really super busy. Kinda. Just got back from a two mile walk so I feel wide awake. Here goes.

For those of you who have been here, you probably remember the flowering crab on the south lawn. It's a glorious sight out the west window of the lodge. Lucy was afraid all the rain and wind would strip the blossoms before she got back from her Eau Claire 7 day visit. But it looked just fabulous when she returned today!

As you can see, the grass harvest has begun and will continue through August/ September ..... Yee Haaaa....!!! I will have to admit that it looks O.K. when it's done, but I hate that blasted mower.

Being nice weather for a change today, I got on the motorcycle after work and buzzed around a little bit. I don't know why, but I stopped by Phillips International Airport. Here's a pic of the FBO office. Note the flags standing straight out from the staffs.....

I just included this shot to show how close Al's hangar (where I'll be renting space-hereafter called 'my hangar'....) is to my workplace. The yellowish building in the background is part of Marquip's facility. Short walk and of we go, into... well,you get the idea.

Looking down one of the taxyways you can see the work being done on runway 06-24. Looks like a major re-surfacing job. That's nice, cause I like a nice, smooth runway. And besides, it's being done with county (and probably state, maybe federal) funds, so it isn't costing anything. ;-)

Here it is, my hangar, which faces west on a freshly paved taxiway. When you make Internationl status, you get new asphalt, I guess...
Think back to the broken window episode... if you remember, the 'old squirrel hunter' stated that he/she used only .410 for squirrels. I guess that is correct, as he/she seems to have a personalized license plate in honor of his/her favorite cartridge!! So when someone asks " What cartridge gets it done for squirrels?", you can answer

Here's a nice pic I scammed out of an email from guess-who? It looks like Caly four nigh ay people either have better cameras than Carlo or way more skill at getting the pix. Probably both.
Ivan, please forgive me for not getting out fishing this spring. My feeble brain is waterlogged from this airplane business. Can we get together soon for some fish and brews?????
I gotta go, Carlo
I have been remembering my license plate no by that 410 but in this case duz (does)fits right in. Great. I do hope Gene and Ivan go fishing soon. Need some fresh fish! Have let the cat out of the bag as to whom the old hunter applies. As if no one guessed!!!!!
Yup, busted!!!
omg....THE LICENSE Plate is hilarious. did you get that on purpose squirrel slayer? what a hoot!
the yard looks wonderful. so green. there are yards that green out here but you cant's sit on them or run barefoot because the grass is weird...some kind of tough old pokey stuff. none of that lucious soft grass in ogema.
going to be a smooth ride down that new runway...at least for a while. the flags indicate about a 20 - 25 knot wind? do you fly in winds that strong? if there are that strong an the ground, are they blowing harder 1000 feet up? Just wondering. yram
Wow, nice hanger, is all that space just for you? Perhaps a chopper build is in order for the winter months.
Sure miss the the taste of bluegill and crape.
Had the bike tunned and serviced last week. The service manager wanted to buy the damned thing when I went back to pick it up.
Said it was one of the best running
yamies he's seen. Go figure.
ps. can i come flying with you or is it just a single seat?
Dear anonymous. Can't say unless I know who I'm talking to.....
me jenny forgot my password
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