Airventure 2
I went for a little flight to Ladysmith this evening. Flew at 3500' on the way there, airspeed 60 and groundspeed according to gps was 45. Headwind. On the way back I went up to 5500 and groundspeed indicated at 80-85 mph. Nicer tailwind and I got back to Phillips quite quickly!
Anyway, here are a few more items from Oshkosh.......

Someone asked if I met anyone famous. Did I get any autographs? I did meet Paul Poberezny, the founder of Airventure I guess. He was giving autographs and I asked him to sign my cap. That's it on the brim. These hats were given to volunteers who actually did some work at the Ultalight area. "Down on the farm, at the Ulralight barn".

This is (maybe a copy of paint, etc?) Poberezny's plane. A P51 Mustang, I guess.

Not sure what the significance of this hanging plane was, but I liked it.

Maybe they were trying to sell "structure" and chain hoists?????

A couple of some kind of European jets.

Don't know what this one is, but the props look like oars...

Nice nose, hey?

Would you carve the fruit, please?

can't believe that big plane can get off the ground. Must have been a wonderful week in the true sense of the word wonderful.
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