Movin' Lucy......

Well, it took a while to get to this one.... Moving to Milwaukee was a big step for Lucy to take. But she decided to go, found an apartment in the same building that Kate lives in, and then the work started. Lots of things in the house at Ogema to go through and decide what to keep, what to move to Milwaukee, etc.

Margaret spent quite a bit of time here helping ma sort and pack. As we unpacked things in Milwaukee, we kept finding notes to the 'unpackers' written on paper towels. That helped some when things were getting frustrating or tense. We would find another note and all laugh.... Muriel also spent a bunch of time helping Lucy at Ogema. Probably others that I'm missing here, but you know who you are and what went on.

Mary and John spent Friday evening prior to the move packing and sorting at Ogema. John wrapped up all the art work, all of which survived the U-haul truck ride. In this pic we see the 'yellow room' with just the necessaries for a last sleep in Ogema for Lucy. Everything else was in the truck outside.

Many trips up the ramp with loading dollys. Lot's of grunting and groaning to get some of the big items into the truck, and lots of ropes tieing things securely into place. It was a bigger truck than I anticipated, a 24 footer. But it was good to have the extra space, not quite so much stacking to do that way.

Saturday morning found the house pretty empty. We gathered up the last of the items to be loaded, got everything set and Lucy and I got into the truck and headed South. John and Mary and Peggy finished up the last of the tasks around the house, then Peggy spent the bulk of the remaining weekend hauling most of her belongings to Ogema. When I returned on Sunday night, the house looked lived in again, with couch and chairs and bookcases, etc. What a change from the empty house I had left the day before.

Anyway, here is the U-haul in front of the house on Saturday morning. Ma and I had an uneventful trip to Milwaukee. The weather was pleasant, the truck went 72 mph down the highway like all the rest of the traffic...... we stopped in Stevens Point for lunch and then drove nonstop to the Shorecrest Hotel. We had an unloading crew at that location, Liz and Dennis, Paul and Candace and kids, Jenny, Kate and me.

Things start filling Lucy's new abode....
Candace had prepared some exquisite food for the crew, which we ate in Kate's appartment. Super. Jenny was not quite up to here usual levels, as her knee was in tough shape from the weekend before. She hurt it at Peg's and my wedding!! I didn't even know that had happened.

So we unloaded box afer box after box of stuff, which all went up to the third floor via a slightly small elevator. There was a little trouble with some of the larger items, like the sofa, a large cabinet for dishes and computer, and the sideboard from the dining room at Ogema. None of these things would fit in the elevator, so they were forced up the stairs by Dennis and Paul, and some help on the last one from me. The first flight of stairs is acutally about 1.25 floors up, four turns on the stairway, down a haulway and up to the third floor. This was an even tighter stairwell, but only three turns...... that was an interesting time!!

Liz had the unenviable task of receiving all the boxes and things in the apartment, trying to find a place to put everything and making room for more at the door. I'm glad all I had to do was unload the truck. We managed to get the unloading task done in just under four hours. Pretty good, considering the moving distance and the small elevator. We parked the truck in the designated spot, ate a good meal and then Lucy and I headed back to her apartment. We opened a few things, moved a few things around, got Ma's TV hooked up in her bedroom. I moved enough things around so I had a clear spot on the couch to lay down for the night. Slept well.....

On Sunday morning Muriel and Linda and Debbie showed up to help with the setting up of the household. They also brought some really good chili and some yummy goodies for all to share. They pretty much did all the unpacking of kitchen and dining area things and got the sideboard and dining area all straightened away. It was starting to look pretty nice in there.

Rosie and Bryn had driven to Milwaukee Sunday morning (they were my ride back to Ogema!) and helped get things in order. We all had a really nice lunch of chili and bread and other goodies, and Ma's apartment was really shaping up. As you can see in some of the photos, there are quite alot of windows in this apartment and it's nice and bright.

Here's a good shot of the sideboard, loaded up with all the usual crystal and coffee cups and all the familiar items. The old clock survived the trip and looks right at home, and the dining table and chairs look great in their new surroundings

Tim had splurged and gotten Ma a new TV for her new apartment, a really big plasma screen something or other. It looks really big and impressive, and I guess once the cable guys got it hooked up, it plays really well. Lis and Dennis had picked up a nice cabinet to set it on, and Dennis and I had fun putting it together..... it has some space for the vcr/dvd player and it will work well.

Couldn't resist this photo of the finished TV installation with the nice little green decoration on top of the TV. Or it might be an ashtray. Or it might be something else, I don't know.

The big move for Lucy was on October 21st. Peg and I have since moved MOST of Peg's stuff to Ogema(what she didn't get done while I was gone), still picking up something from her place every few days...... today, Nov. 25th, we spent most of the day moving Rosie's "to big for the car" items. She and Bryn are going to be sharing an apartment in Wausau, where Bryn is going to resume her school classes in January and also work at an assisted living facility. Rose is continuing her work and her classes in preparation for a nursing program so she can earn her RN status. Tomorrow we move Bryn's things from Westboro to Wausau, then so some shopping for some needed household items for our place. Busy, busy.
We were at home alone on Thanksgiving, I went flying for a couple hours, then changed oil in the plane. I stopped at the IGA on the way home and got ingredients for Thanksgiving dinner, which was to be on Friday. But that's another story....
I gotta go, Carlo
The pictures are are filling me with nostalgic thoughts. That green thing is an ashtray that Tim made for Herb and I when he was in grade school. The table and all the food cooking looks so beautiful. Good job, Gene and Peg.
Love, Lucy
If you remember art class in school, we always had to make some stupid thing. The green thing started out as a cannoe but things went bad. As all great artists do, I was able to salvage the project and turn it into a handsome ashtray.
....and here I thought Boo's hands must be in casts or something. He can type!!!!1
I gotta go, Carlo
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