Busy, busy......

I've been back from Canada 1.5 weeks and still have not gotten to posting about it..... lot's going on right now, working on Peg's garage to get the roof pushed back up and secured (years of sagging with improper internal support).
Then we're going to throw on a small garage addition to house motorcycles, trailers, etc. Maybe we can park cars inside this winter?????
I couldn't resist throwing in this pic. It's Rick Dering showing the 40" Northern he just caught. What a blast that was on the lake!
Anyway, I'm also trying to find time to play my guitar and get together with Russ, Laurie, Angie and Dean to practice for the wedding gig. That's on August 20th.

Great weather the past few days. Humidity gone for now, hope it stays away for good. Still very dry around here, the lawn grass is at a standstill--which is O.K. by me......
I can't resist putting in a few pix.... Here's Virgil Lord taking a break on one of the rocky shorelines of Lake of the Woods. Thanks, Virg, for taking your boys fishing and hunting all these years.
Gotta go now and finish my Saturday morning chores.
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