Ottertail Lodge
The Lodge is located at the end of a dead-end road in a remote Northern location. A mystical place set at the edge of a hardwood forest, where you can hear coyotes and owls at night, see deer, turkey, grouse, an occasional bear and a host of small 'critters' and birds. New photos appear at the top, so if you are a first time visitor, scroll to the bottom of the May, 2005, archive and view the building process.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
If you think that I'm the one that's crazy.......
Check out these lunatics. I can understand using a parachute if your plane quits working, but these dimwits actually jumped out of a plane THAT WAS NOT IN DISTRESS!!!! I guess it takes all kinds.......

All I'm doing is flying a perfectly good, sound airplane. Why would I jump out of it????? Besides, I'm required to wear my safety harness at all times, so I could not jump out even if I wanted to.....
By the way, Dennis, did that card get there?
Tuesday is "Test Day", so keep you fingers (and toes) crossed for me!
I gotta go, Carlo
Friday, June 23, 2006
Countdown to test time.....
Well, it looks like I'm going to have to take time out of my studies to fill the void on this blog...... Oh, well.
Project update:
Three full days remain until the day of the test, Black Tuesday. But first, a recap of recent days. I have been hitting the books quite alot lately. So much material to be covered, lots to remember. I keep reminding myself that at least it's for the goal of safe flying for everyone. I tried to get together with Steve last weekend, but he was gone for most of it. Monday night he had other students, Tuesday the weather was crappy, Wednesday he other appointments (plus it was too windy onlyhow). Thursday was looking like the only remaining day as Steve headed out of town again today, for the weekend. By some stroke of luck the weather was good Thursday. Just for good measure, I managed to get two hours of flying done before I went to work that morning. There were a bunch of those puff ball cumulous clouds at about 4000', lots of sun and 10MPH winds. So I left Phillips at 2:35 and bounced my way to Merrill. I made good time with that tailwind, but it surely was BUMPY!!!! When I got to the hangar, there was a crew of three from EAA taking pictures of Steve's planes, and a little Rans floatplane. They were doing an article about light sport aircraft and how the owners do their own maintainence. So I got in a few pictures myself, pretending to change an air cleaner, checking tire pressures, checking engine oil level, and lubricating the hinge bolts on the ailerons. Then Steve and his wife cooked burgers on the grill for everyone. So our 5:30 appointment was moved out to 6:00. I'm begining to think I'll never get to do this instruction...... We finally went up and Steve went through all the tasks I'll have to do. He acted like and FAA examiner and I did what I was told to do. Steve kept saying the he didn't think I would have any problems with the test. I was beginning to believe him... We got done at 7:35, I gassed the plane, he filled in the log book, and I headed out at 7:50 to fly to Phillips. In the interest of getting home by sunset, I climbed to 4500' and took a little more direct route, cruising at 65-70mph. I had a really wonderful view of the sky that evening, and the sun was just hitting the horizon as I was starting to get close to Phillips. Just as I was crossing the runway on my midfield crosswing leg, the sun slowly sank out of sight at the edge of the earth...
So I finished my downwind and crosswind legs of the pattern and turned final for runway 01. I had keyed my mic 7 times to get the runway lights up to full intensity and it was a pretty sight. A smooth landing and in 10 more minutes the plane was safe in the hangar. Five hours of flying time on Thursday, and I was feeling better about things. Tonight I flew from 7:00 to 9:00 in the evening. I went though all the required tasks and by the time I landed, I was thinking that unless something unusual happens, I'm going to make it through this test and come out of it with a Sport Pilot Certificate!!!!! I hope. Tomorrow is oil change time in the plane, lawn mowing, studying, maybe flying some, too. I need to go to work Saturday morning to make up the time I missed on Thursday (leaving early for Merrill).
I wish it was Tuesday tomorrow.
I gotta go, Carlo
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Ah stahloo eggah.....
for a while, anyway. I just talked to Lyle in Merrill and he has arranged for us to meet with the big, bad FFA examiner Sean Curry on June 27th!!! I'm taking the day off work, as the stuff will probably start around 11:00-12:00, mid-day time.
As you can see, I'm seriously studying for this test!! There is a ton of info that one needs to know, but we can also use reference materials to find what we need if we don't recall it from memory..... So---- I go to work, get home and ride bike or walk for 30-45 minutes, shower, study the books, and then fly for a while if the winds are not to ferocious. There are a few maneuvers that I really need some work on, and the book learnin' could be better as well. I will need to meet with Steve sometime soon for the obligatory three hours of practical test prep and an endorsement saying he believes I am ready for the exam..... I feel like I got kicked back to high school!
I'm trying to stay calm, but you can see that the pressure gets to me on occasion. As they say in the old country, "Relax, have a brew.....". They must say that in SOME old country, doncha thin, Babba?
So, I am taking a sabatical from blogging until this test has been attacked and finished. I'm ceratainly hoping that the outcome is good, but I'll be sure to let you know either way.
Off we go, into the wil.........
Hey, Ottergal and Yram, can you fill the void for a while?
I gotta go, Carlo
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
A few weeks ago Peg and I took a bike cruise up to and around Park Falls. One of the things that caught our eye was a little shop in Fifield that has a bunch of cool looking stuff, some carved, some normal construction.

On June 3rd, as you know, I brought my plane to Phillips. I had the chance to fly Tuesday evening in the area here, and then Thursday evening I took it back to Merrill to be ready for the airworthiness inspection that had been scheduled for Saturday the 10th.

The inspector flew up from Oshkosh in his 1942 Waco biplane. It has a 7 cylinder rotary engine with 220HP. Recently restored, painted brilliant red, and I forgot to bring my camera that day!!!! Doh!!!

That's about it for happenings, but a few things are approaching fast!! First, just let me mention that Pool Week this year is slated for 7-1 thru 7-9. Be there, or be symetrically rectangular.
I don't want to sound like a broken record (of for you younger readers, a corrupt MP3 file) but I must tell you about the potential flight test plans. Lyle, a fellow Sport Pilot student in Merrill, called last night and wanted me to committ to scheduling our practical test for "near future", like in two weeks from now!! I said O.K. and am waiting to find out what Lyle found out when he called Sean, the FFA examiner in Wautoma. Of course this means that I'll be a nervous wreck for the coming weeks, trying hit the books (two hour oral test) and get into the air as much as possible (flight test prep). Depending on Sean's schedule, I may get this done before the end of June... that means I can take passengers.... if I pass....
Wish me luck!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I did it... it's been a year!
So here we are, at the One Year point. Doesn't seem that long, but think of this.... every time one of you yahoos writes a message on the Ottertail blackboard, the nice people (er, machines) at blogspot send me an email with the message, by whom, date and time. So I created a folder in my email program called 'ottertail' and each new message got dumped in there. While trying to figure out what to write about, I visited that folder and discovered 985 messages!! Good job, people! So the obvious choice of content for this anniversary pole was all the garba.... I mean stuff you have taken the time to post on the Ottertail. I chose messages at random, mostly, unless one needed an obvious follow up. Another keen interest of mine is Inuit art. I have collected quite a few graphic items off the web and thought I would throw a few of them in for redeeming social value, if for no other reason.....
So without further delay, start the music and let the festivities begin!!!

If Yram and Ynnoj have any sensitive situations, they need to watch a few episodes of South Park so they will be able to laugh at themselves. Like other peolple do. And what are they con-joined to onlyways?
Posted by clownboxer to Ottertail Lodge at 6/27/2005 04:56:02 AM
Boxer Boy - Whether your hat is on your head or the coat rack it sits upon a KNOB -
Posted by Margaret to Ottertail Lodge at 6/28/2005 09:18:03 AM
Have forgotten the magnificence of that bridge. If it were out here the top half would be in the fog bank. Peggy, you look like you were born on that bike!
Posted by Yram & Ynnhoj to Ottertail Lodge at 6/29/2005 09:27:39 AM
I'm not saying I know the person, however if you all were to stop typing for a moment and pay attention to this blog, there is a clue hidden within past scripts........
Posted by Recson (Rosie) to Ottertail Lodge at 6/28/2005 11:26:49 PM

I crossed a bridge once, and it never forgave me!!!!!!
Posted by Mrs. Ivan to Ottertail Lodge at 6/30/2005 09:56:01 AM
This was the county court house so Ifigured it would have a public rest room.... little did I know that I would have to go through a metal detector (yes, I had to declare my 3 pocket knives and fingernail clippers too) prior to being able to do so..but they did not make me go throug it again on the way out... go figure.
Posted by otterwoman to Ottertail Lodge at 7/01/2005 06:53:10 AM
Looks more like she has just seen a UFO flying through the house -
Posted by Margaret to Ottertail Lodge at 7/01/2005 09:53:28 AM
holy cowski! is that green! no green out here...not much anyway. mostly yellow and brown. Sure do miss that coolness.
Posted by Yram & Ynnhoj to Ottertail Lodge at 7/01/2005 08:01:22 PM

Great pictures of the lake. I remember the first time we drove here was when Tim was a baby and we went up to Mackinaw bridge. It was just in the process of being finished and no traffic yet. We had a great time and the kids all waded in lovely Lake Michigan.
Posted by Lucy to Ottertail Lodge at 7/02/2005 10:26:16 AM
I had to laugh at your heading, "current drivel"! :-) The lake pictures are really cool, I love that drive!
Posted by Recson (Rosie) to Ottertail Lodge at 7/02/2005 01:12:37 PM
Well, I'm waiting. This picture is just calling out for some really good posts/messages... but he and Dawn we so very nice to us when we were out there.... that I'm not going to start it.. but I am going to enjoy reading them.. :)
Posted by otterwoman to Ottertail Lodge at 7/04/2005 10:08:56 AM
Boy, this was not the picture I was expecting. What did Suburban Lawmower Man do with Young-Studly Tim-on-Motorcycle guy?
Posted by littledebbiecakes to Ottertail Lodge at 7/05/2005 01:33:50 PM

What a picture! I can't believe you guys really went there. I've seen this show before on TV. Did you get to see Pauley, or the other retarded brother?
Posted by littledebbiecakes to Ottertail Lodge at 7/05/2005 10:38:07 PM
He is just fooling everyone.. trying to make you think.. he is actually going to do some work.. although sitting on a lawn mower ... how much work is really involved with that... I am sure Timo thinks its alot of work...
Posted by dawntheresa to Ottertail Lodge at 7/07/2005 10:18:54 AM
Dawn, what a cute biker babe you are!!! You are much better at this than that screaming Hoosier with Carlo
Posted by linda j to Ottertail Lodge at 7/12/2005 09:52:59 PM
Why do I get that trash can net to my fine remarks?
Posted by kate to Ottertail Lodge at 7/12/2005 11:22:00 PM
It's so I can delete them if I wish. Not that I ever would.....
Posted by Carlo to Ottertail Lodge at 7/12/2005 11:42:22 PM

D - did you realize that Carlo could be so cruel????
Posted by Margaret to Ottertail Lodge at 7/13/2005 08:31:42 AM
What are you idiots talking about???
Posted by Carlo to Ottertail Lodge at 7/13/2005 09:19:29 PM
HEY! Even though i am seriously outdated on the posts :( -i can still comment, Eh?? So I heard that we will always have the poor with us... just how it is, don't ask; consequently, we will always have the violence with us, don't ask (because in the black hole of close-minded government can only exist... black hole... and motorcycle accidents:)
anyway, it IS TOO HOT TO POSSIBLY FUNCTION so i'm enjoying the pictures and i will dig up other stuff on this grand paternal blog-land. incidentally, (who came up with a stupid word like that?!) i never tire of the links, either.
so ya know, a guy should really put dem links in der, cuz i prett'near don't have nothin eltse ta do, y'know. prett'near. but i don't know nothin about it'y'know.
Posted by umlikedude to Ottertail Lodge at 7/16/2005 11:21:41 PM
Thank you for the most interesting and lively travel log. What great fun you people must have had. Peggy, how do you stay so smiley- through rain snow sleet and hail, etc. Tim and Dawn nice to see you - Dawn you look like a movie star! And what fun it has been for me to read and watch the trip. Keep the wonderful stuff coming so that this dullard has something to do!
Posted by kate to Ottertail Lodge at 7/18/2005 05:57:55 PM

Whos.. Suede... and Timmy boy is just plain old healthy....
Posted by dawntheresa to Ottertail Lodge at 7/29/2005 03:27:51 PM
Dawn, just tell Tim about it, he'll understand. Swede is an Ogema guy that was in school around Tim's time, I think they knew each other well as kids.
I gotta go, Carlo
Posted by Carlo to Ottertail Lodge at 7/30/2005 01:06:37 AM
great pics! It was great fun having you with us!
Re: the appointment - I am completely disgusted!!! It's firm policy with this admin. - screw up and you get promoted. I'm surprised that pig Rove wasn't nominated for the Supreme Court
Posted by littledebbiecakes to Ottertail Lodge at 8/01/2005 10:27:45 PM

Posted by Carlo to Ottertail Lodge at 8/28/2005 08:59:46 PM
hi otterpeople
looks like you had fun. you should put guess the cob on your site. i think it is a fun game for all!!!
Posted by polkafananderham to Ottertail Lodge at 8/01/2005 11:58:28 PM
i'll give you the correct answers! :)
Posted by polkafananderham to Ottertail Lodge at 8/01/2005 11:59:10 PM
The contest is rigged!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Margaret to Ottertail Lodge at 8/02/2005 07:17:32 PM
No No it is not! We are not that bright! We do have 2 people in first place so will have to have a run off contest. It is going to be even more fun and those of you not in the running are going to be soooo sad!
Jenny is a hoot! She absolutely brings out the best in us. Who but Jenny would have thought of the Cob Contest! Ain't it great!
Posted by Yram to Ottertail Lodge at 8/02/2005 08:24:11 PM

Dean and the Honky-Tonk Heartbreakers played at Laura and Kyle's wedding last weekend too. And they were excellent!!!! So a BIG THANK YOU to them!!! It was highly appreciated and will always be a great memory. Thanks again dudes, and good luck to you all. Have a HAPPY day!!
Posted by clownboxer to Ottertail Lodge at 8/26/2005 08:59:56 AM
I still say yer loony, Carlo, but it looks like you had a good time. What kind of plane, or whatever, are you looking to get? Choose a fabric coated wing type, that way you can make repairs with duct tape......
Posted by Red to Ottertail Lodge at 9/05/2005 09:47:06 PM
I have three more pies in the freezer. Can't stand seeing the apples laying out there on the ground. When you all come up to visit you can have some pie, said the mother kitten. Be sure not to lose your mittens on the way.
Posted by Lucy to Ottertail Lodge at 9/05/2005 05:59:19 PM
hello, popPAW! very nice... although i have not a clue what yerself and 'clownboxer' are talking about... don't you two have enough nicknames yet?!!! hee hee. talk to 'youse' soon!!!
Posted by umlikedude to Ottertail Lodge at 9/06/2005 01:53:29 PM

Does this page have a translator? you're not that much better Nyrb!
Posted by Yram to Ottertail Lodge at 9/06/2005 06:22:30 PM
I must say that Carlos has indeed mastered the Tom Sawyer "it's really really fun painting the rickety old fence" scam!
Bye the bye...FSM has touched me with his noodley appendage and I have been overcome with remorse for the "stupid friend" comment. FSM has filled me with internal certainty that his royal spaghettiness would look kindly upon one named Red! So sorry!
Posted by Spartacas to Ottertail Lodge at 9/08/2005 08:51:15 PM
Oh yeah? How many flying recliners have you been on Otterwoman? were they moterized?
Posted by hippo to Ottertail Lodge at 9/09/2005 10:30:44 AM
Man, I want to fly in these things! This is the kind of stuff I love~ YOu need to get one Dad!! :-)
Posted by Recson (Rosie) to Ottertail Lodge at 9/10/2005 01:44:18 AM

If I've got it right birthday greetings are in order for Gene and you too,Peggy! May the good times continue to roll. What an ambitious and interesting year the two of you have had. It's been great following the fun on this site ...
Posted by westboro to Ottertail Lodge at 9/24/2005 11:23:20 AM
Very cool pics. I spied that nest when I was up there yesterday - Was admiring the beauty of it and wishing I had it in my house - Mom said it is gone this morning so am assuming you recovered it -
Posted by Margaret to Ottertail Lodge at 9/23/2005 10:18:21 AM
OH - MY - GOD!!! There I was, scrolling down the site, lighthearted and carefree, and all of a sudden without warning -- BAM! - this picture of the hornet's nest from hell! I let out a shriek right here in my office. No, it's not a beauty -- its horrible! horrible! And it reminds me of that TV commercial where the guy loses his balance on the ladder and grabs onto the nest as he falls off with it into the garbage can. Carlo, you are brave and crazy, and I now I will never be able to visit your lodge. It's not that I'm paranoid, but I know they want to get me. Do you think I was stung to death in a previous life?
Posted by littledebbiecakes to Ottertail
I'll get some of those springy antennea thingies they used to wear on Saturday Night Live. You can wear them in the Lodge and all the hormets and killer bees will think you're one of them and leave you alone....
Posted by Carlo to Ottertail Lodge at 9/26/2005 12:48:05 PM

Hey, I've got some of those "springy antennea thingies" already.... I'll dig them out and bring them to the lodge.... so they'll be ready when ever you show up... how does that sound. ?
you'll have no excuses now....
Posted by otterwoman to Ottertail Lodge at 9/26/2005 05:17:11 PM
Debbie darling - the bees will not be alive when the nest is hung up in the Lodge!!!!!
Posted by Lucy to Ottertail Lodge at 9/27/2005 08:44:47 AM
Hey, did I say it was a rational fear?
Posted by littledebbiecakes to Ottertail Lodge at 9/29/2005 12:51:44 PM
thanks for the great pics - looks and sounds like a great sport - hope you can mangage to fulfill your dreams of ownership etc... - hurrah for Peggy also!!
Posted by Margaret to Ottertail Lodge at 10/04/2005 07:44:11 PM

Hye dar hay!!! Yram, about the shirt PL has on...well the first letter is not on it anymore. It got worn off...It was a "D" if yuz wanted ta know what it wuz! Yep, that's correct, it was the letter D....DUMASS!!!! tee hee!! Fits hey???!!!?? Almost to perfection. Some shirts are just made for some people. Hvae a WONDERFUL day!!!
Posted by clownboxer to Ottertail Lodge at 10/10/2005 05:12:43 AM
Man! Sounds awesome! I'd be scared, but would love it at the same time! :-) The tree pics are great, everywhere over here looks amazing with color....
Posted by Recson (Rosie) to Ottertail Lodge at 10/20/2005 03:11:56 PM
Iz ya ever goeun huntun wit me no more?
Posted by Ivan to Ottertail Lodge at 10/25/2005 10:15:33 AM
The pictures are great. In fact, I saw two robins this morn so they will soon be here in a group to eat all the little apples. Everything is preparing for winter.
Posted by Lucy to Ottertail Lodge at 10/30/2005 05:51:50 PM

Otterwoman: congrats! you are gonna love being a granny! It is a hoot...way more fun than your own kids. send pics and send progress notes and special congratulations to the parents!
Home in Menlo Park and just 12 hours ago were sitting in Liz's living room talking about the wedding! weird, huh? flights were good and dozed most of the way due to only 3 hours of sleep. Was so great to see you all and thanks for helping on the clean up detail...I was REALLY dreading that! yxfyuzag
Posted by Yram to Ottertail Lodge at 11/13/2005 05:06:00 PM
Granny - congrats - so glad that baby arrived safely - be sure to keep us posted and get some pictures on here SOON - thanks for all the help at the party - what a great party it was - love pfupu
Posted by Margaret to Ottertail Lodge at 11/14/2005 09:27:51 AM
Hey...thanks for the note on how to get rid of the unwanted comments. I grew up in WI the early part of my life. I like your woodsy blog-not something I see a lot.
Posted by H,R, or L to Ottertail Lodge at 11/17/2005 08:50:28 AM
It is 7 degrees in Ogema???? yikes. that is cold.
why do you renounce cards? fun fun fun! Winning 10 buckaroos should wither your abhorence????
Posted by Yram to Ottertail Lodge at 12/04/2005 08:40:33 PM

I hear you got the big one near Wintergreen Lake. woohoo...
Went out on Black Friday...Target. It was bad. Got a little tree in a bucket. It is a Charlie Brown tree but nice.
beautiful day out here.
Posted by Yram to Ottertail Lodge at 11/27/2005 02:59:08 PM
Ja, but it was not a 'big one'. A five pointer(no brow tine on one side), 2.5 year old deer. I just got done cleaning it up at Ivan's, and we got a nice batch of meat. We'll take it up to Uncle Carl's next Saturday.
I saw footage on the news of people oozing into a Walmart. One older guy fell to the floor. You think anyone helped him up? They streamed around him as he got slowly to his feet. One lady pushed her way past him just as he was making it back to his feet. What a bunch of ignorant slobs. One day they will all be dead and do you think it will matter if they got to Walmart first that day??? Slobs.
I also heard that Walmart will give you a wake-up call at home to get to their store early in the morning. Good God, what a bunch of morons populate this earth. Hmmm, I should have used their service to wake up early for hunting!! Next year.
Posted by Carlo to Ottertail Lodge at 11/27/2005 06:43:19 PM
If you remember dad, I worked black friday at best buy 2 years ago and it was hell! sorry, but there's no other way to describe it! I heard this year 2 women got in a fist fight there over an x-box and the cops had to come.... total insanity!
Posted by Recson (Rosie) to Ottertail Lodge at 11/28/2005 08:18:06 PM
That brick work picture is good. Nice work Paul. Gosh, what a scare about the Pump House. Have to protect that place filled with so many memories, eh??
Posted by Lucy to Ottertail Lodge at 12/06/2005 06:25:22 PM

Nice buck deer dar hey Carlo!!!
;-) ;-)
havhappiedae!!! I go my farm Tuckahoe, work on projects.
Hipp Hipp Hippo!!!
Posted by hippo to Ottertail Lodge at 12/01/2005 05:43:16 AM
GREAT! I mean the pictures and news, etc. I hope that flying is going well, (despite abysmal weather) love ya,
Posted by umlikedude to Ottertail Lodge at 12/14/2005 02:43:55 PM
Posted by polkafan to Ottertail Lodge at 12/17/2005 08:21:42 AM
As you can well see Jenny is still in another place than the rest of us - she is at the mags helping her move and decided to blog rather than help - the little nit -
Posted by polkafan to Ottertail Lodge at 12/17/2005 08:22:51 AM

First of all, see John W. re: tires as he let the car sit by his garage with the tires FLAT! And furthermore, I cannot believe that you did not replace those zooming tires!!! How is Bryn supposed to beat all the other cars from the lights, around corners, etc!
The maternal parental unit is doing fine. However, I have not received Swedish meatball, pancakes, salmon, bread, etc. since she has arrived. I believe she thinks she is on vacation!
That baby is adorable - she looks like her paternal grandmother unit.
Glad Jenny is providing so much help to the Mag!?!!?
Posted by Spartacas to Ottertail Lodge at 12/18/2005 10:09:32 AM
Jeez, Carlo, they all complain about you not writing enough, then none of them bother to put in a comment when you make a new post... I dont' get it. We're puttin' on a new wing at Possum Lodge and I hope you don't mind--we're makin' it look like the Ottertail!! See ya in the boonies, Red
Posted by Red to Ottertail Lodge at 12/20/2005 06:18:12 AM
Wow, that wasp nest is neat!
Posted by H,R, or L to Ottertail Lodge at 1/02/2006 04:11:58 PM
I must certainly agree with hippo regarding the consumption problem. Although Cappy has been a fine addition to our southeastern WI sattelite FSM worship center, I have had great difficulty leaving any wine in the bottle to officially test the pirate preservation process. Sadly(?)or happily, I must report that I have only been able to store unopened bottles in Cappy.
Perhaps, this could be a direct consequence of imbibing while wearing pirate boots!
Posted by Spartacas to Ottertail Lodge at 1/11/2006 03:57:06 PM

What y'all blathering about, onlyhow????
Posted by Red to Ottertail Lodge at 1/04/2006 06:06:55 AM
Seeing the pictures of the homestead and my "cold car" makes me homesick a bit. Seems like the winter there is rather mild and how many times have you had to plow snow?? The watering can reminds me of a couple hoses in the past that went thru the same pain. Keep up the good work with the pictures. '
Posted by Lucy to Ottertail Lodge at 1/13/2006 01:25:00 PM
HELLO stranger/person of the northwoods!!! Ha ha. Anyway, I sang barbershope quartet valentines over here in Wausau on Monday and Tuesday, for 8 hours one day, and then 12 hours the next day. Yikes. It was fun, yet exhausting. I love you!
Posted by umlikedude to Ottertail Lodge at 2/15/2006 08:32:14 PM
Wow.. is right.. I think you are crazy to be flying around in that thing... dont give Tim any ideas...
What a nice Valentines day Lucy must have had...
Posted by nwadc to Ottertail Lodge at 2/16/2006 08:30:13 AM

WOW! You actually got one????!!! Good job on the Sport Pilot thing 'cuz I NEED a ride!! :-) Every 200 miles is a lot of stopping! Are there airports that close all the time? I would hope so! :)
Posted by Recson (Rosie) to Ottertail Lodge at 2/19/2006 10:50:59 AM
Greetings from Boston! It's been so long since I've been on the blogs I can't even really remember the last time. I can't believe you got a plane!!! Wow. I still fight off sweaty palms now and then when landing in a commercial plane, so I probably wouldn't be first in line to go in a little one. But hey, I can see how it would be cool! Busy winter on our end with very few pictures taken, which is pretty foolish on my part. Will try to correct that soon. Hope all is well in Wisco, hi to Rosie, Bryn, and everyone else....
Over and out,
Posted by Jeff, Kathleen, and Taryn to Ottertail Lodge at 2/25/2006 09:34:16 PM
yikes Bryn! could you look any more scary?! I suppose you could...
I am very much looking forward to the birthday dinner!!!!! :-)
Posted by Recson (Rosie) to Ottertail Lodge at 2/26/2006 11:58:40 PM
well, gosh, um thanks for the flaaaattering pictures:) I'm lookin' forward to spaghetti, and ogema!!! It's been awhile!
love, ~B
Posted by umlikedude to Ottertail Lodge at 3/02/2006 06:44:31 PM

Hey Newbie!!! So you haven't tired of the motor cycle thing eh? Not even two tired? Or the odd three tired? That's a very nice. But, have you wondered if flying your plane when the weather is nice may interfere with the bike thing? Just want to mentally prepare you for this. It may be like two things pulling in different directions on You! Perhaps. I just wanted to warn you, cause I don't want to see you go crazy. I know this very well. Oops!! Strike that last remark....I'm NOT crazy! Crazy iz wut crazy duz! Life iz like a box of lots of stuff that you may know what somethings are in it, but most of the stuff is stuff that you don't know what it iz...If yano wut eyemeen!! Have a WONDERFUL time DUDE!!!! And GOOD LUCK with all you do!!!
Posted by clownboxer to Ottertail Lodge at 3/09/2006 05:29:25 AM
Geez, Carlo. Kwitcher wining. We had a plane at Possum Lodge, but we had to sell it. We only gots 3.2 acres here, turned out that's not enuf fer a decent runway. Oh, well.....
Yer pal, Red
Posted by Red to Ottertail Lodge at 3/10/2006 12:23:29 PM
russ,nice beard.
Posted by booghost to Ottertail Lodge at 4/01/2006 10:31:29 PM
I think I would prefer the fish fillets and apple pie.
Posted by booghost to Ottertail Lodge at 4/01/2006 10:33:39 PM

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! To da boat ov ya!!! ;-) ;-) ;-) Gued luk dudes!!! HavHapieDae!!
Posted by Ivan to Ottertail Lodge at 4/11/2006 04:37:19 AM
congrats carlo and otterwoman.Bout time
Posted by booghost to Ottertail Lodge at 4/12/2006 08:34:35 AM
That is wonderful happy news.. how exciting and what a great way to start the lovely spring.
Love Dawn and Tim and Pets
Posted by nwadc to Ottertail Lodge at 4/13/2006 12:38:56 PM
Yah, yah, Carlo, you better do something about them there slackers what caint seem to sign their comments. At the Possum Lodge, all comments jist go in the guest book by pencil.....
Yer bud, Red
Posted by Red to Ottertail Lodge at 4/21/2006 12:04:04 PM

did you have any idea what you were getting into regarding flying? sounds very complicated. Kudos to you for doing so well on your test! We all knew you are such a good student!
Posted by Anonymous to Ottertail Lodge at 4/24/2006 10:51:16 PM
Posted by Carlo to Ottertail Lodge at 4/20/2006 06:06:00 PM
baby goat?????? Yram
Posted by Anonymous to Ottertail Lodge at 4/24/2006 08:06:03 PM
Thanks, all. And is it ever nice to see those nice, blue names at the start of your comments!!! Good job!
I gotta go, Carlo
Posted by Carlo to Ottertail Lodge at 4/25/2006 12:52:07 PM

hmmm.. Well, I think that you should make a list of everyone that has contributed to this blog in any way... put each of their names in a hat... pick one name, and have them write a synopsis of "what this blog means to them" in less than 500 words...... what do you think? huh? and it certainly cound't be me... cause then everyone would think that you were playing favorites.. :) ya, that's it...
Seriously, this has been a hoot for all of us reading it and commenting... certainly a nice way for all of us to stay in touch a bit better than we would have without it...
Thank you''ve done well this past year.. with the blog .. and everything else.
yes, Happy Anniversary ...
Posted by otterwoman to Ottertail Lodge at 4/25/2006 09:10:51 PM
you can sleep when yer ded! dont do it now!
Posted by Yram to Ottertail Lodge at 4/26/2006 07:58:18 PM
HAPPIE ANA VURZAREE!!!! Thanks for dis here blog dar hey! Have a WONDERFUL day!!....mmmkay!?!
Love Ya like the dickins!
y.s.d.f., Clownboxer
P.S. Ya ain't hurd frum me fur awyle, uh?
Posted by hippo to Ottertail Lodge at 4/28/2006 04:39:35 AM
Hey Pappy! I, for one, am very glad you've taken to bloging!!I know I don't respond as much as one should, but I do really enjoy checking it and being updated! And I'm also very relieved that you have a new fuel pump! That map should be on it's way to you......
Posted by Recson (Rosie) to Ottertail Lodge at 4/30/2006 12:13:19 PM

Peggy, that baby is adorable and it looks like she is as cheerful as her granny.
Posted by Lucy to Ottertail Lodge at 5/01/2006 12:10:21 PM
From the "OLD SQUIRREL HUNTER" - Stating the caliber of the bullet (correct word usage?) seems like Gene has incriminated himself. This hunter uses "only" the trusted 410.
Posted by Anonymous to Ottertail Lodge at 5/01/2006 12:08:54 PM
I just signed it Clownboxer to have a little fun with BoxBoy! But he or she is not responding. Has the BoxBoy gone somewhere?
y.s.d.f., Clownboxer
Oops I did it again!!! ;-)
Posted by hippo to Ottertail Lodge at 5/05/2006 04:57:33 AM
Posted by Carlo to Ottertail Lodge at 5/05/2006 12:29:56 PM, I wonder who fired the 22??? We can only use slingshots out here! LOL
Posted by Yram to Ottertail Lodge at 5/06/2006 11:07:05 PM

The preznut sez he caught a 7.6 lb perch in his fresh water lake. Does anyone know what kind of perch in the US is that big??? never heard of it.
Posted by Yram to Ottertail Lodge at 5/09/2006 08:48:30 PM
Nice post. Ya wanna take over dis heer job????
Posted by Carlo to Ottertail Lodge at 5/14/2006 07:05:54 PM
and...i love the nature photos...the spring sky dark with rain swollen clouds with the sun bursting through.
The maple and apple blossoms. the flowers that cannot be denied once spring arrives. what a wondeful time. magnificant and full of power.
All I can say is woohooo. What a wonderful world!
Posted by Yram to Ottertail Lodge at 5/15/2006 01:46:58 AM
Hey Pappy,
Sorry I've been so absent, I've got school on the mind! Anyway, I have been reading though, and the whole license plate thing is quite funny!!! That's my grandma! :-)Yikes! ANyway, the yard does look very nice. ID had his first soccer game of the season today and they won. :-) The games are fun to watch! Well I'm off to the books...
Posted by Recson (Rosie) to Ottertail Lodge at 5/21/2006 05:00:48 PM

ps. can i come flying with you or is it just a single seat?
Posted by Anonymous to Ottertail Lodge at 5/26/2006 06:51:31 PM
Dear anonymous. Can't say unless I know who I'm talking to.....
Posted by Carlo to Ottertail Lodge at 5/26/2006 09:34:13 PM
And on it goes.... and you thought the reason for my "slightly" gray hair was because I turned 48 last September! Now you know the real reason. But it's been a hoot.
Looking ahead to another year, Carlo