Bayfield update.

This is Le Chateau Boutin, one of The Old Rittenhouse Inn's four facilities. This is how it looks as you drive up from the Bayfield harbor. It is on the high ground just to the north of the harbor. It has a grand view of the lake and the Apostle Islands.

This house was built in 1908 by a guy who made a killing in lumber and fishing. You can read the history in the link above. It's an unbelievable building and no end to the amazing features inside.

This is the room Peg and I stayed in, on the third floor. It was originally the Ballroom, and there were windows to the hallway (can't see through them now) where the 'help' would bring the children to see the ballroom festivities without 'disturbing' the adults.

This is the main stairway. Quite a sight when you walk in the front door. There was also a smaller back stairway that went from the kitchen area to the upper floors.

This is a view of the entryway, looking from the living room.

Across the entry hall was the music room. It had a grand piano (which I played on a bit when no one else was around), a huge red leather couch and a writing desk.

The music room also had a large fireplace,as did most rooms. Several rooms also had a stained glass window similar to this one.

The dining room was huge. It had this giant fireplace, with built in cabinetry in the brick stack.

There were several big china cabinets on the walls, one with a stained glass inset.

Then there was this little arched doorway leading off the from hall. Through it you could get to the servant work are, the kitchen and the 'butler's pantry'.

This is the view out the window in the butler's pantry. Quite a nice sight.

As you head down the street as you leave Le Chateau Boutin, this is the view over the lake......

We drove down through Bayfield and took a tour of the lakefront. Looking back up the hill you could see the Rittenhouse Inn up the slope.
___________Hey!! Scramble those eggs, would ya???_____________

What a good job of picture taking!!!! Your pictures and descriptions are right on. Seems like that house was built about the time the house near Ottertail Lodge was.
nice place
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