Sunday morning around 9:00 I started on the spaghetti sauce. Here you see the sauce well under way with the mushrooms just about ready to go in.

Now we see the onions just about ready to add to the sauce. The green pepper is in already, and it's starting to smell fine....

I kind of forgot to take many pix, here's one after the meal. I think Bryn and Mag are checking something on the computer.

Now how did this get in here!! I told myself that I WOULD NOT put any more pie pix on this blog!! Oh, well, there is only one left in the freezer.....

Today I ate a huge plate of left-over spaghetti for lunch. And I had ordered the traditional carrot cake for my birthday, and here it is. Some bonehead started a tradition at Marquip that on your birthday you bring enough donuts to satisfy everyone's sweet tooth. Most people bring the donuts. A few people will make something and bring it in, a couple will bring bagels and fruit. I have been bringing a carrot cake for the last there years because I really like them and a gal that works in the print room makes cakes for weddings and other occasions. So I get one from her. The decorations are colored leaves for the season.
What a load of important info on this post, hey?
Hmmm.... Cheetos, huh?
Mag, I was not very good company that day, I was trying to ignore a headache that wouldn't leave. I can bring some venison out someday if Mike wants to grill it.... with some mushrooms and onions. Maybe baked potatoes. On a Saturday or Sunday early afternoon???
Don't mention apple pie or 'the others' will get upset again...
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