Got up this morning at 6:00, left for Merrill at 7:00 to get to school at 8:00. Peg went along as we planned on going to Wausau afterward to get some garage finishing supplies. Here is a nice shot of Steve's Quicksilver MXII plane.

Steve suggested that Peg get her introductory flight today, so she got ready to go. We both participated in the pre-flight inspection that is done prior to every flight.

Then Peg and Steve got in and off they went. They were up for about 30 munites or so. In the mean time, John (owns the hangar with Steve) worked on his new ultralight. It's a really nice little rig, enclosed, heater, two seats, etc. He will register it as a regular plane and complete his sport pilot license. Here is his plane (about 25 grand).

After Peg got back, Steve and I went up. I did all the flying once the wheels were off the ground (with Steve's instructions). I practiced shallow, medium and steep bank turns, some 90°, some 180 or 360. I did one series of 3 360° and had to change bank angle mid-turn, maintain altitude, etc. We spent about an hour doing this, then headed back. I did the descent and approach turns and Steve took over the stick when we were about 20 feet off the ground. What a gas.....

The above pic is Peg coming in for the landing on her flight.
My next school is Thursday at 5:30... I'm liking this!
I believe that anything which does not fit the "ultralight vehicle" criteria of the FAA must be registered as a regular plane even thought it just requires a sport pilots license to fly it. Check this page for weight, speed, etc restrictions for ultra's.... you'll have to delete the spaces I put in cause of this comment window. It won't break long link and it looses things.....
http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/ text/text-idx?c=ecfr&sid= b54a20a04704c71964708023a 7144009&rgn=div5& view=text&node=14: 16&idno=14
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