On we go

with life as we know it. I have a few pix of the trees and stuff around here. This first one is what the back yard looks like right now. That old Maple tree is getting a little worse looking every year. The top is partly gone and a few more branches fade out occasionally. Don't know how much longer it will last.

Some of these photos were a little weird looking, taken into the sun. I tried to fix them up, maybe I can get some better ones soon.... but the leaves are falling fast. The rain this past week really took them off. There were reports from some localities of 8-9 inches of rain on Tuesday and through that night!!!

Some of you will recognize this Westware view at the first corner as you head away from Ottertail. That tree always is bright and looks even better nestled in with all the evergreens. That's a combination that I really enjoy.

Peggy got the last of the shingles put on the new roof last Saturday. So the outside work can be done whenever the weather permits or spring comes.... I started on the electrical stuff, have the lights up in the new part, outlets as well. Started running the wires back to the breaker panel. We're putting a small panel in the garage, fed by a #6 wire from a double 60Amp breaker in the main service panel. The #6 wire is in place and needs to be connected at both ends. Still need to put the lights up in the garage proper, one set with a three way switch setup,one near the outside door.

I can't resist taking a photo now and then of the Lodge. It's looking more like fall now, and I need to get out hunting!!! Only been out once, plan to go tomorrow and Saturday for sure. Oh, yeah, the flight school was cancelled for tonight due to crappy weather....

I noticed a few late bloomers in the flower holding areas. In the first pic, the plant nearest the bottom had about two dozen bees on it just before I went in to get the camera. I guess they are finding fewer blooms all the time.

Don't know what this one is, but it was just a little thing this early summer, now look at it! Looks like it could be like broccoli or something. Maybe I'll test it....
Sigh on R ah, dude.
Sedum. It's called sedum. A genus of plants having fleshy leaves. The leaves sort of remind one of an anemic jade plant, not pale but rather the leaves are not as thick as a jade. It grew quite tall, as you can see. Liz brought it up from her yard cause she didn't like it......
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